For decades, only one person has been entrusted with the honor of preparing our pumpkin pies. Since we can’t all go to grandma’s this year, we’re taking a bold attempt to recreate some of the dishes and flavors that have delighted generations. To help you create new traditions and your own repertoire of Thanksgiving favorites, we’ve got a list of resources for the perfect pumpkin pie.
Each year, roughly 50 million pumpkin pies are enjoyed (and devoured) at Thanksgiving alone! For family members with a sweet tooth, dessert is the real showcase of the meal, and pumpkin pie is the marquee. But while it’s a relatively quick and easy dish, there are also ample opportunities to have your pie stand out. The key? The crust!
Sugar cookie crusts offer a unique way to add more flavor and even more sweetness to a pie without too much extra work. This is an especially great treat for those who simply love cookies and want to bring that texture and flavor to the traditional Thanksgiving meal. The real key to making this one work is the timing. Make sure you have the oven pre-heated and to pre-cook the crust in the pie dish for the correct amount of time. If you’re long or short, you may not have both the crust and the pie cook evenly.
Check out the full recipe here.
Another great way to make a pumpkin pie really your own is to add a topping! Most pumpkin pies bare their souls, but there are unique ways to add more flavor and a one-of-kind look to your pumpkin pie by mixing up this ginger-streusel topping. This is an especially nice way to mix in more ginger to the dish without simply piling that ingredient on in the pie itself. Plus, if you have a family with nimble fingers, we like to eat the pie topping first, then dive into the pumpkin filling itself!
Here’s the full recipe for Ginger-Streusel Pumpkin Pie.
Some things are better by the bite. This very different holiday season also means it’s an opportunity to drop off little gifts of thanks to friends and family. One way to do that is to whip up a batch of these pumpkin pie bites! Put a few in a sealable container or wrapped and leave this as a sign of thanks on the porches of people you appreciate the most. Plus, this recipe is really easy to scale up, making combining a few batches really easy!
Easy Pumpkin Pie Bites (Just be sure to save some for yourself!)
No matter what your Thanksgiving looks like this year, remember that the real reason for the holiday is to strip the world down to the essentials and appreciate the many blessings we all enjoy. Spending time with those nearest and dearest, and reaching out to the friends and family safely this year help to ensure that we can get back to our old traditions next holiday season, perhaps made even brighter with a few new favorite pumpkin pie dishes to bring to the table!
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