Get Excited: Pancake Day is Coming!


As if you needed a reason to make pancakes, we’re giving you one right now! March 1 is Pancake Day, which is a holiday that, quite frankly, should be celebrated more widely in the U.S. But what’s the history of Pancake Day? Why March 1 and not any other day on the calendar? Wouldn’t life be better if every day was Pancake Day? (Yes. Yes, it would.)

We’ve stacked up some Pancake Day history and some recipes - read on! 

History of Pancake Day

Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, is the day before Ash Wednesday. In the U.S., Shrove Tuesday is better known as Fat Tuesday, where many of those of the Catholic faith try to use up any sugary or rich foods that have laying around in their pantries before the commencement of Lent. 

Here in Northern Michigan, most of us prefer indulging in a Paczki, which is a jelly-filled donut. The pastry comes from Eastern Europe and is something most of us can only eat once per year, such is the sugar intake of the delicacy. 

Pancakes are far more popular an indulgence on Shrove Tuesday around the world, particularly in England and in former British colonies. 

Pancake Recipes for Celebrating Pancake Day

The best way to celebrate Pancake Day is, of course, by going all-out on making some warm, delicious cakes! Here are some recipes to check out for the big day. While some might prefer a more traditional pancake, all of these recipes leave room for some freestyling. Add chocolate chips, bananas, or strawberries to add a little pizzaz! 

If you’d like a traditional recipe to start off with, check this one out from Cafe Delites. It has a five-star rating, so it seems like an excellent place to start your pancakes explorations. 

Banana pancakes are one of my absolute favorite breakfasts, but it’s important to get the banana-to-batter ratio correct. This recipe from Once Upon a Chef is guaranteed to make sure you nail it! 

Lastly, I wanted to throw in one gluten-free recipe so that everyone can partake in Pancake Day. Love Chef Laura has a stunning Lemon Poppyseed Pancake recipe that is sure to delight! 

Now that you know the history of Pancake Day, are you even more apt to flip some cakes on March 1? I sure hope so! Thanks for reading and have a delicious Pancake Day! 


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